To our Dancing Angels family,

March 16, 2020

I’ve thought long and hard about sending this email, because I know you have enough to think about right now. Like me, I’m sure you’ve been overloaded with emails and information. In light of disappointed ballerinas everywhere and anticipated recital guests, I wanted to share our plan for continuing to serve our precious dancers and their wonderful families. We (Ms. Devon & I), first and foremost, are thinking about you and praying for you. While there may be challenges we cannot control down the road, please know we are brainstorming as many ways as we can imagine so that your dancer doesn’t miss a beat. This said, we’ve been working on how we might take our sweet classes from in person to online, in order that we can keep dancing and praising Jesus together.

And, because we are sure you have this question in the back of your mind, here is a little more about our upcoming recital. As we learn more in the days and weeks ahead, we will make decisions that are best for our dancers and their families, as your well-being is of utmost importance to us. In the meantime, we will do everything we can to encourage your dancer through online classes, email, social media and maybe a little happy text message here and there. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we gracefully tiptoe through this unprecedented time. We are in this together and discerning what “for such a time as this” makes possible, as we know you are, too!

Grace, Prayers & Blessings,
Ms. Tammy

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trials and sorrows. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33